Charity games

Spotlight: 'In My Skin' for 100% Mamans charity, Morocco

A virtual reality experience helping single mothers to defend their cause, within a discriminating society.

Commissioned by charity ‘Cent Pour Cent Mamans (100% Mamans)' in Morocco, our founder Pierre-François Gerard designed VR application ‘Dans Ma Peau (In My Skin)’. The exhibition invites you to experience the journey of a mother who raises her child alone, within a discriminating society. It offers the opportunity to consider the potential for personal and collective transformation for a better future.

TV5 Monde - Dans Ma Peau (In My Skin).mp4

As reviewed by TV5 Monde.

Charity games, Dans Ma Peau, In My Skin
Discriminating society charity game
Supporting single mothers charity game
Charity games for 100% Mamans mothers

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